Documentation of NGL File Server for KVIrc

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Downloading from the File Server Your file server will react to the command, opening a new dcc chat, that's nothing other than a direct connection with the user that is accessing.
tip If connection fails, maybe it's because you've a private IP address. If so, you can turn on the option "Always use DCC Reverse". To do that, go to the Option window. Select the Sends/Queues tab. On the right you will find it.

User can navigate throught your file server, using the classic shell's commands, like:

dir, ls, cd, cd ..

When user want to get a file he has two options:

Once this command is given, the fileserver will start sending the file to the user.

User can choose to get other files by the same procedure. If user request a number of files greater than "Each Sends", requested files will be queued. You can tweak the "Each Sends" parameter, such as "Each queues", "Max Sends", "Max Queues", from the "Sends/Queues" option tab.

User can see his currently sending files, by using:


User can see his currently queued files, by using:


If user want to remove queues:

clr_queues, clr_queue 5

where 5 is the queue number shown in queues

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